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1. The Black Tie was birth to help indie artist, author's and entreprenuer's.

The dinner started off as our anniverssary dinner.

2. The Anniverssary was meant to celebrate the individuals that have been in our magazine.  We wanted to give them awards and funds.

3. The Black Tie Dinner was changed from March 3rd to May 5th and all HELL broke loose!  It was my first award dinner and errors happened!!

4. I found out the hard way not to trust people at their word!  I had a few to welch on sponsorship and other's to say all manner of things. 

God told me to be still and know he is GOD!

5. God stepped in and gave me a new plan and new people that didn't care about how or why the date had too change, they just stepped right in and went to work for the kingdom!

6. II learned from my brother Glenn, that you had to have capital.  I thought you just sold tickets and get sponsors?? God gave the victory with sponsors and ticket sells!!  River Awards was born, and it was a success!! Next go is capital!!

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