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Unrestricted Paise played for River & Word Anniversary Dinner, on May 5, 2018.  I really enjoyed them and they had several of us up on our feet!  I am definetly going to invite them back for next years dinner and future events.  I encourage you to consider Unrestricted Praise for you gospel entertainment.


Unristricted Praise offers true worship through their music ministry.  The group has a long history of ministering the gospel through their music.  They have been singing togehter for 15 years.  The group has been very  faithful, and because they were walking by faith and remained dedicated to the Lord, the group was formed.


Unrestricted Praise is a family group, and although they faced many challenges, they were able to remain dedicated to the call.   In life there are many challenges that might break you or make you, and for Unrestricted Praise those challenges have built lasting love, mutual respect, and a spiritual bond, through Christ. 

As servants of the Lord, Unrestricted Praise is always willing to serve, and because of their obedience and lining up their will with God's, many doors have opened for them. When God opens doors for you they are always more then you could ever hope or dream of, and God's open doors has taken this anointed group to  higher heights and deeper depths through worship. 


Traveling and lifting  the savior on various programs throughout the city of Houston, has been an honor for this family group.


 Well, I for one am excited about working with Unrestricted Praise, and we at River & Word are so glad to have you as a part of our river family.  I know God has even greater doors for you to go through, and I pray that He continues to allow us to be a blessing to you.  I pray for much success and super natural increase for your group.

Pam J

Meet the Group!

Ike Moore's  hometown is Franklin TN. He has been singing since the age 10 yrs old. I'ke has sang with choirs and various gospel groups. He is also a Minister of the Gospel. Ike and his wife Stacey started the ministry together. 


Stacey Moore's hometown is Galveston TX.  She is a minister of the Gospel and a worshiper from birth. She is a wife, and mother of two beautiful girls. She worship and praise God as a lifestyle. 


Renee Drummond's hometown is Franklin TN. She has been singing since she was little. Renee is married with 3 beautiful kids, one boy and 2 girls. IShi is currently serving at  her church as a musician and worship leader. 

Terra Drummond's hometown is Houston Tx. She has lived there all her life.  Terra has been singing in the choir since she can remember. She loves to sing and give God glory. 

Band Manager:  Van Smith 346-234-6670

Booking Manager Darrell J Jones, 936-544-0448

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