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Blue Sunny Skies - John Tracy
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I have to agree with the write up on John because his music style is very unique and it stirs me inside. I grew up going to the country with uncles that had rodeo's and the best country music, but I have never heard John's style of music before.  John's music is refreshing!  Pam Jones


When John was asked how he got started he replied, I have actually been playing acoustic guitar since I was 16 years old and wrote my first song when I was 20. I always had a passion for music, but more than just playing the music of my heroes, I wanted to create my own. When I was 22 I recorded my first demo, made a couple of trips to Nashville and even had a publishing contract for one of my songs. But honestly, the desire to meet my soulmate and have a family burned stronger, so I decided to do what every good young professional does and join the corporate world. I still dabbled with my music, but more as a hobby. We had two girls, bought the house, got a dog, etc. and 25 years later at the beginning of 2006, I woke up one morning and realized I couldn’t suppress this unfulfilled artist side of me. Underneath all of the stress of my career it bubbled to the surface. So I sat down and talked it over with my wife and kids and with a lot of prayer, ventured out into this journey as full-time performing songwriter.


When John was asked about the process of song writing this is how he puts to the guitar and singing his gift to write, play and sing, John Tracy said"I am really not one of those songwriters who can just sit down every day and crank out a song. I wish I could, but for me it really comes from an inspiration to say something that matters. Typically I start with the melody first. I spend a lot of time “doodling” on the guitar, playing with notes and sounds until something catches my ear. Sometimes I keep melody pieces in my library for years before I actually use them to create a song".

Then when I get an idea for what I want to say, I look for a melody that matches those lyrics. I work really hard to make sure the words I chose to flow with the notes in the melody. For me songwriting can be such a juxtaposition – something so excruciatingly difficult and yet so incredibly fulfilling and rewarding.


God Bless!


Pam Jones, CEO

River & Word Magazine


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