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 Gospel Hip Hop Recording Artist 




1. What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?


Well, I don’t ever recall getting in a lot of trouble other than when I was about seven years old, my mom was looking all over the place for me and she couldn’t find me for over 10 minutes. I think she was about to call 911. When she finally found me I was at the top of a very big tree. She yelled and told me to come down now.  I sarcastically told her that my dad said I can do anything I want to do. After I got down I only remember lots more yelling and screaming. She finally called my dad and asked him why he told me that I could do anything that I wanted to do. He explained to her that he told me that I can do anything that I set my mind to do and not the way that I interpreted it; I can do anything that I want to do. Other than that I don’t remember getting in a lot of trouble.



2. What are the five things you can’t live without?


  1. The first thing that comes to mind is the internet.  It totally keeps me connected to the world.  I can do everything with the internet, I can watch movies on Netflix, I can watch videos on YouTube, I can promote my music on social media, and I can text my friends and family. I can also complete my assignments for school. I can do everything on the internet!!

  2. The next thing I think about is money, without money I can’t do anything, I can’t buy food, I can’t buy gas, I can’t go skating, I can’t buy clothes, I can’t pay my car note, I can’t do anything, so I really need money.

  3. I can’t live without a car because a car allows me to have the freedom to do what I want to do and what I need to do. 

  4. I can’t live without food, I need food to survive. Plus I need food, especially pizza. I love pizza.

  5. Last but not least I need the word of God; I know that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Just knowing that God keeps his word, keep me going.



3. What’s your motto or the advice you live by?


Every day is a second chance to be better than the day before.



4. What is your favorite song to belt out at the bar/in the car/for karaoke?


When I am in the car I like to belt out my own song, called Get It, but when I am in the shower I

sing And I Am Telling You by Jennifer Hudson and as far a karaoke I sing Open Your Mouth and Say.

Something by Brent Jones.



5. Ten years from now you will be...?


I will be a college graduate with a degree in business.

I will be helping other people, I’m not sure how but I know that I will.

I will be ministering all over the country, not sure how because I also praise dance and sing. 

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