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The Critics Review

Below is a review of Nikki Berry, The Intro, by Nikki Berry, written by Pam Jones, River & Word Magazine.

Note that Jones begins with a context for Berry demonstrating how her 3 singles are more powerful than most 12 track CD's. Berry has presented vocals that have a wide range, that usually comes after years of being a performer.

Jones finds Berry's singing to be at the level of a Grammy winner! Her singing ability to make you smile and cry at the same time is what sells CD's and wins awards!

Nikki Berry, The Intro

Nikki Berry, Houston, Texas

Global Entertainment Production Group, 2017, 3 tracks.

Music has always been apart of life since the beginning of time. When God created the planets, they were given a melody to praise him. Nasa has a CD with the sounds that planets make and some of them sound like a choir, another one like singing dolphins.

Earth sings -

Planets play songs -

Psalms 150:6

Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.

Here we have Nikki Berry, praising the Lord in the beauty of his holiness, and as a human being, she was made of the earth. Science has proven that we have the same DNA as the earth, proving again, there is a God and the bible is real! Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

God made man to praise him!

Today, music has so many sounds, meanings and purposes, but Berry's music only praises God!

Music was once said to tame the salvage beast. When King Saul could not sleep and was tormented by demons, David played anointed music and the demons left Saul. 1 Samuel 16:23 And it came to pass, when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, that David took an harp, and played with his hand: so Saul was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed from him.

Some music may cause depression, while other music brings us joy and peace. Nikki's song, "I Believe", caused a room of people to weep for joy and encouragement, that they too can accomplish their dreams and goals, as did Nikki Berry. As I listen to Berry's songs, I felt such joy and yet my eyes were filled with tears. Her music stirred my soul.

Nikki Berry's music set the standard of integrity and holiness, that is much needed in many churches. She envelopes what heaven says about a virtous women. Proverbs 31.

As Berry sang her new songs, the party of listeners were shocked, as was I, at how powerful of a singer she really is! Many of us did not know she had a voice of wisdom and experience.

International recording artist/producer, Eric Carrington, Berry's producer, openly said, "I have heard a lot of singers, but when I heard Nikki"...he pauses and shakes his head, while pointing to heaven and says, I am telling you, she is going all the way!

I am a music lover, but I haven't heard this kind of singing in a long time. Next to Ce Ce Winnans, there was no other unto Nikki Berry.

I highly recommend her CD and I give it a thumbs up and 5 stars!!

See you at the Grammys Nikki Berry!

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