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Article: Twining in 2019

In 2019, God will release some blessings that will blow your mind! I was like, God blow my mind!! The key in getting your mind blown is to surrender all of you to be all of Him. When two people come together in intimacy, they merge their soul, mind and body to become one and the ultimate expressions are released in unity, and when the two become one and their is no other person, thing or place between them, they are able to reflect a mirror image of each other. Wow! Who does that? Very, very few men and women have learned to release their total self unto another, and most think they have experience the ultimate experience, but the truth is the average person hasn't released "all to experience all"!

Releasing all to experience all is a rare jewel that has been missing with many people, relationships, ministry and marriages. How can someone release "all to experience all"? First, God must be first and He can't be first without Jesus Christ. We were made to be in the image of God who is love. When we surrender all to Him first, we will be able to love unconditionally. Once we have surrender all to God and can love as He loved us, then we will be able to love others. When two people become one in the image of God and in His likeness of love there will be nothing that will interfere with the ability to release "all to experience all"!

The issues of life has cause many people to become bitter, selfish, self serving and above all these many have become loveless. God is love, then way aren't we more loving? The issues of life come from the heart; therefore, we need to get a heart check up with the holy spirit, by the blood of the lamb. We are commanded to love, yet so many hate or falsely love, which is really lust. The bible said to love one another. One of the fruit of the spirit is love.

If you have a loveless life get a check up with the holy ghost or if you can't stop making judgment or giving your opinion on how you think someone else should be, act, dress or think, then you are trying to play God. No man knows the whole plan for your life, only God knows the plans he has for you, to give you an expected end. amen

How do we get to that place of released to experience the ultimate love that only comes from the father? Start off with asking the holy spirit to help you. Repent for known and unknown sins. Forgive everyone, including yourself and you will have a total release. Learn of God through His holy word, the Bible. There are so many scriptures on love that tell the truth about how we should love. Many people are confusing lust for love, and the best way to know if love has developed between two people is to not have sex. Making love and having sex are two different things, and lust fulfills the flesh. Love, on the other hand, fulfills the heart, soul, and spirit. Amen

Twinning together in the wholeness of love, requires us to allow the love of God to flood our heart, mind, body, and soul. Once we are flooded in love we will love ourselves and others.

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