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Interview: Award Winning, Indie Gospel Recording Artist, Michelle Broo

River & Word Magazine, Houston, Texas.

Pam Jones blogs writings are known across social media, and in the River & Word Magazine.

She is often asked to write reviews or articles for authors, actors, producers and singers.

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The big stage of the Apollo is no stranger to Michelle. Before her big win, she had been there three years prior and knew what to expect, but that did not stop her from being nervous: her experience at the Apollo was nerve-wracking, filled with feelings of fearfulness. Considering the general curiosity of the public, I had to ask how she landed a spot at the Apollo.

"I competed on The Voice and sent Apollo my video from my performance."

In 2014, Michelle got that long awaited call from Apollo; she had made it, but she didn't win. Fast forward to the year of 2017 when everything began to change for Michelle. Apollo's producer called her to come back on the show! The producer said, 'Hey, can you compete at this year's double win?' She didn't really like competing and told him no. The producer and Michelle went round and round until she finally said, yes! Well lo and behold, Michelle won $20,000!!

Michelle's big Apollo win was just the beginning of God's big plans for her future. The wise old saying, 'Be in the right place at the right time' was what propelled her on to the next powerful journey. Little did she know that the producers were doing a documentary about the Apollo at the same time she was competing for the double. The producers had gone through her video files from the Apollo taping, and once they saw her powerful talent she was asked to be a part of the documentary. Needless to say, Michelle didn't have to be convinced and said yes!

"When Apollo called about the documentary, I didn't know what to expect."

The producer showed up to Michelle's house with a whole camera crew! She thought it was going to be something simple, but to her surprise, the documentary was going to follow her journey, including her supporters. When the crew arrived at Michelle's house, she recalled them being so happy! Rodger Ross Williams has created a lot of documentaries, and he is producing the documentary for Apollo Theater in Harlem with White Horse Pictures.

Photo Credit: Deadline

In 2010, Rodger Ross Williams won an Oscar for Music By Prudence, a short film.

Jonelle Procope, President and CEO of The Apollo Theater, made the announcement, along with Nigel Sinclair of White House Pictures. God's favor was apparently over Michelle to have set her on stage for such a time as this! Wow! The bible tells us that our gifts will make room for us and set us before great kings, and in this case she was set before great producers and CEOs, bless God!

Nigel Sinclair

PHoto Credit: White House Pictures

Ms. Jonelle Procope became Apollo's CEO in 2003 and prior to accepting the position, she held senior positions in entertainment law and media-affairs with corporate companies, as well as management. She is an attorney and has an impressive resume.

Photo Credit: Apollo

Michelle Brooks Thompson wasn't new to singing: she started singing at the age of 5.

She has had numerous trials and tribulations that have lead her to sing powerful songs of her testimony such as, "There Is A Testimony Behind It". When Michelle was 13 years old, she lost her mother. She has suffered rape and abuse, and at the age of 15, she wanted to take her life.

"I remember sitting on my bed with a razor blade, ready to end it all. God intervened!"

Michelle said, a lot of people give up before they have tried, and at 15, still a child, she felt like she didn't have anything! At the age of 30, Michelle couldn't see what God had for her. She now thinks about her wonderful husband and beautiful daughters.

"I would have thrown all of it away if I had killed myself. Both of my parents were drug abusers. Sexually abused, peers - I didn't fit in anywhere."

Praise God that Michelle Brooks Thompson did not end her life or we all wouldn't be blessed by her anointed songs and powerful life changing voice. November 22, 2017, 7:30 pm at the Apollo, everything began to change for Michelle, Hallelujah!! My spirit just jumped within me at the thought that the devil gave it his best shot, but God put a shield of protection over the gifts and talents that He ordained for Michelle, before she entered her mother's womb. Glory!!

It is 7:30 pm at the Apollo and Michelle sings, I am Triumphant. God gave her victory over the enemy and she won!! In victory, God wants us to lead the next generation and leave them with words of encouragement to make it through the trials and tribulations of life.

Michelle leaves us with this, " You're not a failure, you've only just begun, and if you only knew God has great things for you." This message can be heard in her new single, " I am Triumphant"

On September 17, 2017, Michelle had sang the National Anthem at the Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, FL..

What is new with Michelle, she has sang for the NBA games and was recently asked to sing for the world series!

I must say, the power of God's anointing is so strong over Michelle that I felt it while writing this interview. Even as I spoke with Michelle over the phone, I felt the power of God!

Michelle Brooks Thompson, I am very honored and proud of you as a woman, minister of music and a strong person of integrity. May the Lord continue to overflow your banks with anointed songs to sing unto the nations. Amen.

Pam J

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