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The Critics Review

Below is a review of Running the Race with the One, By Lou Richardson, written by Pam Jones, River & Word Magazine.

Note that Jones begins her review with how Richardson's book moved her to tears, from the stories about women with cancer, before even reading chapter one! She agrees with Richardson, that God has written our script, and we will play out the roles in our life. Jones noted Richardson's experience with cancer and her bravery, moved her with compassion and rejoicing at her faithful survival from cancer.

Running the Race with the One, Lou Richardson, Houston, Texas

Westbow Press, 2017. 150 pages

Disease and sickness has been around since the fall of Adam and Eve, who allowed sin to enter into the world. God has made every seed baring fruit and herb for our healing, yet we still face illness. Genesis 1:11

Lou Richardson's book helps to understand why some face sickness and such harsh trails of life. She bares her soul, tells her truths, while offering solutions on how to walk through a trail of life.

Before I was able to read chapter one, I was moved to tears from the stories of women who had cancer, yet I rejoiced at the testimonies of the survivors, God's strong Queens!

Yes, we all play a part in a script written by the hand of God. (See Jeremiah 1:5) We are all predestined to walk out a journey to tell a story, that God wrote about for our lives. Lou Richardson made this all so clear in chapter one.

As I read up to page 15, in chapter one, I had a long pause, as I thought about what Richardson said, "trust God. He knows what you need better than you do". Sometimes life will find you in doubt that God really knows, because your needs being answered are like a long pause.

Richardson has graphically describes her long pause of life living with cancer, and all of the procedures that it took to save her. Her long pause was awaiting God's deliverance and His proof that by Jesus stripes we were healed.

In chapter two, Richardson arrives to tell her story about loosing her left breast, and she was amazed that she didn't see much difference. What a strong woman to stand face to face with an attack on her temple.

Lou Richardson was able to capture my attention and not let it go, as I read through the pages of devastating experiences that she faced with such courage! My people suffer from the lack of knowledge, as it is said in the good book (Bible), Hosea 4:6, and this statement was answered by Richardson in chapter 6. Her detail to knowledge from personal experience might be vital tools for cancer patients. Lou Richardson's choice of doctors, radiologist, nurses, treatments and medicines, all played a role in her written script of life. Her description of what she experience during treatments, may help someone cope better in knowing what they might go through. In addition, Richardson suggest you stay connected and not walk through it along. The connections may help you get through, as they did for her.

Finally, I arrived at the completion of the book in chapter 7. The number 7 is known as completion, because God completed the world and rested on the 7th day. Richardson closes her book with faith in God, trails of life making us strong, test, trust, being at peace and gratefulness to be alive!

In closing the book, I saw the resources provided that are great tools for cancer patients.

Lou Richardson's book, Running the Race with the One, is a well written resource. I highly recommend this book to every person regardless if they have cancer or not, because it is very informative, and I suggest that every hospital, library, church and cancer help groups or associations, adopt this book.

I give this book 5 stars and a thumbs up!

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