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Interview: Patrick Tribitt, Bass Guitarist, Recording Artist & Producer

Pam Jones is a writer and founding owner of River & Word Magazine living in Houston. Her blog writings are known across the social media, and in the River & Word Magazine. She has often been asked to write reviews for authors, producers and singers. Twitter: @pamsriver facebook/pam.mayesjones.1

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I view singing, playing instruments and dancing as talents given to us by God. Patrick Tribitt is a believer, and uses his talent as a bass guitarist to express heaven as he plays melodic notes (interval occurs when two notes are played in sequence, one after the other. Intervals can also be harmonic, meaning that the two notes are played together at the same time), merging them together to produce a sound that stirs the soul. Patrick is a Bassist, that leaves me in awe just thinking about how he plays the melodies that heaven sends down to set fire from his very finger tips. Patrick was probably around 5-years old when he started singing, and then at the age of 8-years old, he became interested in playing the bass, and that is where his focus moved to. "I started singing as a child and was brought up in a musical family. Both my parents were musicians. All of my siblings are musically inclined whether it's singing or playing instruments or both", said Patrick Tribitt. Patrick's musical talent started off naturally and developed as his interest in music grew. He attended different classes, workshops, and sat in with musicians that he admired to hone his skills.

Different artists have influenced Patrick, as well as his love for all genres of music. One of Patrick's favorite artist is Joel Smith, a great drummer and talented Bass player.

"I definitely can say old school gospel has had an influence on me musically and is a gauge I use for my feel on music today, specifically gospel. Music changes but we always go back to the roots of our early music", Patrick said.

Patrick's passion is simply giving his best when he is working on music, which is what we all should do to honor God with our talents. He is precise about making sure his music has a message, both vocally or instrumental. "I don't want it to just be good music, I want it to be great music and have longevity", said Patrick Tribitt.

The incentive moment in Mr. Tribitt's artistic career was when he was younger. I recall a scene from the Jackson Five movie, when Tito would sneak and play his father's Bass guitar, even though it was forbidden. Patrick did the same thing: he would sneak his father's Bass out of the closet and play it. "Patrick recalls a time, while playing his father's Bass guitar, where he broke one of the strings. Patrick was sure that he was going to get in trouble.

There was a lapse of time before my dad went to pull out the bass again and saw that the string was broken. Instead of getting in trouble, my birthday came up not long after that, and my dad gave me his bass (with new strings) and told me I would do more with it than he had. That was the moment my artistic career changed", said Patrick.

Musicians will face many challenges, and as a singer/bass guitar player, Patrick's challenge was to practice. Patrick rarely had time for practice because he was always performing or recording. He feels that practice is very important for any musician/singer, but he said, "I'm learning to make time to practice because that is what makes me better."

I asked Patrick had he ever produced music for another artist and he said, "Yes. I've had an opportunity to work with a number of artists. Most recently I produced the latest single for Andrea Baty, "I'm Here", and I also worked on the recent single "Summer Song" for national jazz saxophonist, Kyle Turner. I have some other upcoming projects I'll be working on as well." As you can see, Patrick Tribitt is such a blessing to the music industry.

Many artists like to steal away for quiet time to reflect and just let the music flow right out of them. Like internationally known John Tracy who sits and just starts playing, Patrick likes to get in a quiet space, just start playing, and let the music happen.

The gift of music is something Patrick believes was given to him, and as the good book says, ask and it shall be given unto you. Patrick also prays when he is stuck and needs direction: "I wait until what feels and sounds right rises up within me and comes out", said Patrick.

In the music business, relationships and contacts are very important. Tribitt is slow in building his relationships, because he feels you should get to know people first. Patrick views himself as an outgoing, funny, people-person, and my experience with him on Praise 191.4 radio proved this to be true. Patrick and Kevin Freeman were talking while his new single, "Be Grateful", was playing, and they were having such a great and lively conversation I couldn't hear the song. I texted in and told them I couldn't hear it (what did I do that for ha ha), so Kevin and Patrick joined forces to tease me about the comment. Then Patrick text me saying 'Pam, this one's for you!' One of Patrick's songs was played for me and both of the guys said, OK we can't talk on this one, ha ha! We all had a good laugh!! Patrick feels he has a knack for getting along with just about anyone, and he states that he is a pretty good judge of character.

Patrick really doesn't have any long term relationships with a music style that he will play often. He is a musician, and his relationship with music is ever changing from day-to-day, but the change will also depend on what's going on around him, or what is out in the market. Patrick admitted, "I will always have a love for traditional gospel music but I also have a love for Jazz, R&B, Rock, etc."

In playing or creating music, Patrick plays according to what will fit in his surroundings or the occasion. Patrick said,"I like to just sit back and start playing and my creative flow starts." Patrick is also a husband, and his wife, Diane, is a songwriter. The couple will often work together. Patrick said his wife will come up with lyrics and melodies, and that she is versatile with all genres of music, even C&W (country and western). The couple will merge their talents together to work on an idea, and allow heaven to flow between them until the music happens. What a beautiful thing, this couple allowing music to be made in unity. There is a scientific study that proves that our body has a rhythm that makes a melody. We are a high frequency of around 68, so when two people come together a song is created far beyond that.

Patrick feels it is a sure thing that we will hear some good music with that old 70's and 80's talent, because good music is what lasts. According to Patrick, we have to remember that time changes, music changes, but what's good will always be good. The generation has changed and nothing stays the same, but Patrick takes a look at his two singles, "Happy" and "Be Grateful", that are both classics from different genres. They have moved into an instrumental version, which he is praying will affect the listeners who hear it as the old school originals did.

"Many artists will sample old music, because they grew up on it and know it was good, but I want to reach the age group they're writing to. So, there will always be someone that comes along that sticks to the traditional, old school mode of music", said Patrick.

To the up-and-coming new artist, Patrick Tribitt offers this advice, "Surround yourself with people who are better than you and those you aspire to be like. Also, be sure to learn the business. So many artists get wrapped up in the recording/performance, that they don't know the business behind their music and that's not good. You have to know what the people around you are talking about when it comes to your music and not just the creative side. The bible even says people perish due to lack of knowledge, so that tells us we need to know about what we're doing from beginning to middle to the end."

To get in touch with Patrick Tribitt, to come perform, you may visit his website at: or follow him on his social media pages (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook - ptribitt). His music is available on most online digital media outlets.

River & Word Magazine wishes you much success!

Pam J

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