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Interview: Dr. Charles Clark, Actor & Award Winning Inspirational Speaker.

Pam Jones is a writer and founding owner of

River & Word Magazine, living in Houston.

Her blog writings are known across the social media,

and in the River & Word Magazine.

She is often asked to write reviews for authors,

actors, producers and singers.

Twitter: @pamsriver




To share this article:

In life, we have a right and wrong, an up and down and a second chance. What we do with the second chance, that God will give us, is what counts. Can a wrong be made a right? No, but there are wrongs, that will turn a life around to a right, if the person is willing.

We all have a purpose in life, the key is to find out what that purpose is. How can someone find out their purpose? I will tell you in three letters, "GOD."

Dr. Charles Clark has always been out front, and a powerful leader. His first introduction to leadership was through his family. His grandfather and dad taught him a lot. At the untimely death of his father, Charles took to the streets. He mastered his way up to being a powerful gang leader, but little did he know, that one day God was going to take that leadership ability, that he was born with and trained in, to be an inspiration to many.

As the old story goes, a street life generally will bring you to two roads, prison or the grave. Charles found himself in prison, and as he put it, "I was a soldier and I wasn't a snitch and I rather die a soldier!" Yes, a solider he was and the streets respected his position, and those that knew him or heard of him understood, "you don't want none of this". Unto this day his name is respected.

In prison was where Charles learned of God and came to his salvation and deliverance. He attributes his success as a believer to his mentor, DeVon & Megan (Good) Franklin. While in prison, Charles ministry began and through it, he inspired other young men that were locked up.

From Prison to Purpose is how Charles Clark's life evolved. After prison, Charles found himself going forward into acting. He recalls driving 14 hours just to get to Chicago to try out for Empire, only to stand in the shadow. People that knew him kept trying to convince him not to do it and to wait on something better. Charles had a vision and he knew that God called him to act. He made this journey 7 times and on the 7th time, God honored his commitment. He was on set ready for his role, when he hears apologies that they had over booked him and to just hang around. The average person would have become angry, but not Charles, he held his peace and waited. As he was waiting, Xzibit was walking by and talked to him like he had been knowing him. The next thing he knew, they asked him to stand for a photo shot, one look at the picture and he was told, you got the look for the part! Charles was put into a scene to be seen! Look at God!!

Charles recalls his first audition and credits his late grandma for it, because she was very sick and couldn't remember much. She thought that Charles was his dad and prison was the military. Charles had to pretend to be his dad, to please his grandmother, and he pulled it off and that was the start of his acting.

When I asked Charles what he did to get on set, he said, "God puts me on set and I pray for the producers and actors." He is always staying relevant to the people in control, which I note as a wise action. Charles said, "God's word is real and on set its all Hollywood, but whats real is spiritual. It's the anointing and when people say, it is good to have you back, that is when you know."

Dr. Charles Clark has won several awards, NAACP award, CAP 2017 Award - Dr. Terrell Jenkins, Founder, Best Male DMV and a host more. He is a team player and has learned to cope with a large team through, as he put's it, a spiritual rhythm and beat. He is from the streets, and he was in a gang, so it comes natural for him to cope in a large group.

Empire, Charles played as one of Shine's goons, but now he has moved up to playing a detective, according to Charles, "who better to play the role than someone that has been there with detectives and police." In any profession there will be a positive and negative, a strength and weakness. Charles weakness is wrong people coming to him, because he has a magnetic personality. I have to agree with him, he has a warm gentle persona that keeps you laughing. He eventually moved on to Tyler Perry Studios and he is now on TV One playing a detective. Most every actor has favorite people that they admire, for Charles, in this order, it is Terrance Howard, Forest Whitaker, Tom Hanks (got to love him), Collin Ferrell. The female actresses he admires are Sandra Bullock, Taraji P. Henson, Mryle Strike and Julia Roberts.

Charles is returning to Empire, Season 4 on September 27th at 8 pm, please support our brother by tuning in and sharing this information. He will also be in ICE, 53206 and continuing with Thou Shall not Stylist, on TV One, as the lead detective. His biggest project is to inspire God's people. Charles offered this advice to us, "key ingredient to fulfilling your dreams is Don't Sleep to Long, while you are sleeping, someone else is dreaming too. Recognize the gift that God has giving you and discover who you are."

We, at the River & Word Magazine are so proud of Dr. Charles Clark for his accomplishments, and I for one, am so inspired by his testimony and purposed fulfilled life, I tell you the anointing on this man brought me to tears. I have recognized the hand of God on him and it is a beautiful thing. Amen

I will be following up with Charles Clark and keeping you posted on this powerful inspirational speaker/motivator and actor. Our prayers are for you Charles and we wish you many more successes and open doors. Please, walk close to God and be that example that so many of our young black men need, as well as all men.

Pam J

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