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Interview: John Tracy, international recording artist and author.

Pam Jones is a writer and founding owner of

River & Word Magazine, living in Houston.

Her blog writings are known across the social media,

and in the River & Word Magazine.

She is often asked to write reviews for authors,

actors, producers and singers.

Twitter: @pamsriver

Facebook: /pam.mayesjones.1



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Twelve months can bring about great changes in ones life, a new spouse, new career or the completion of a project. There 12 months in a year, 12 disciples trained by Jesus and 12 days that a true love can give gifts unto you. For John Tracy, 12 months was his goal to complete his EP, with songs he wrote from his own right hand. John's music is real and hits places of your heart, that a person can feel and relate too. John is an awesome artist, father and husband. He is a faithful friend and committed to the Lord. In meeting John, I found him to be a beautiful gentle sweet man, that represents Christ in a good way. Is John perfect, no, he is human like the rest of us, but he strives to do the right thing with people, family and God.

What has John Tracy been up to as an international artist? He is working on an EP as I am writing unto you, which should be available for you to enjoy by the end of this year. Bless him Lord! When I first met John, he told me he would release a new song throughout the year, to lead to the completion of his album. John has been faithful to his word, and he has release a new single every other month. His faithfulness has brought him to the point of the halfway mark, to the release of the EP. I for one am praying for his success with the new EP, because he is a faithful good man of God and true to his craft.

John has manage to be successful in his music career, because he has a great support system within his own family. His daughters and wife, who is his manager, have all been very supportive of his career. Now that his daughters are adults, and his wife is his manager, which John feels every artist needs one like her, what a complement! John is now able to focus on his career without feeling like he has to sacrifice his family, and be able to devote his time to his music, very wise man. Although he is devoted, he still gets frustrated that he is not further along in his career at this point in life. John said, "But God shows me how His hand is in every facet of my journey. I was able to be actively involved in my girls lives as they grew up, something that I would never trade any career successes for. It has allowed us to form a bond that is unbreakable."

As most artist, John has a drive to create, and praise be to God it can't be quenched. God is a creator, and we are made in his image; therefore, we are to be creative and it should never die out! To encourage most of you artist out there, stay true to the gift God gave you and remain faithful to it as John did, even when it came to the family business. Hear is what John said about being an artist: "I tried as I chose the detour of a business career in my father’s business. God created me to be an artist and that need within couldn’t be satisfied until I trusted Him and launched out into this music career."

In most of our lives, we will face trails, hurts, delays, loss, joys and the list goes on. John deals with life through writing songs, which brings healing and peace with life experienced he has lived through. He helps others find hope and encouragement on this journey called life, and in doing so, John feels this is his way to honor God with the gift to write, sing and create songs, using the gift God gave him.

We, in general, have people we admire and that we look up too, for John Tracy it is the 70"s singers/songwriters. He drew his earliest influenece from the 70"s style of guitar playing and song writing. Songs that bring meaningful lyrics and melody are his go to!

In life, we all should take a pause and slow it down. When John kicks back, he loves to eat and watch movies, spend time with his girls, since their lives are so busy, time with them has become his favorite on the down time list.

As any great artist, there has to be a next, in order to keep flowing in the blessings. John's next thing is continuing to make great music, and he would like to go on tour, which is something he is looking into this January 2018.

Many up coming artist love to get advice from those who have made it successfully, and John has this advice to offer, "There is no easy way to success is probably the most important thing they can acknowledge right off the bat. Those that achieve super-stardom are a mini scale percentage of all those who create quality music." According to John Tracy, super-stardom isn’t necessarily the goal in order to be a successful songwriter/musician. John suggest that the artist take time to decide who you are. He also advises an artist to learn what your music is all about and what you stand for. Finally, John suggest that an artist, "spend your time staying true to yourself and building an audience that is drawn to that." "Success is relative to the lives you are having a positive impact on." John Tracy, 2017

Many singers and actors have taken voice lessons to be the best at their craft. But John didn't take lessons, he has a God given gift and talent. John will use vocal techniques that he has grabbed a hold of over the years. Even though John is a natural, he still prays before performing. He gives God his time and loves spending that time with the Lord. He really don't get nervous and takes time to rehearse before he performs, so he is prepared. Once he is on stage, he lets the music speak by allowing it to take over!

John said, "I’ve performed all over from auditoriums to homes, to a dog park early on in my career. I think if I’m really honest, the house concerts are my favorite."

Many artist do a lot of traveling, as John has had to do, and he was able to travel to Sweden last year do a series of performances. One of his travels was being at a lovely house concert. John loves the intimate small gatherings, because it allows him to get close to his audience and connect with them.

John has a had a few performance for 2017, but mostly he has devoted his time to completing the new album. He is looking forward to getting back out there with his fans, with the new album release.

Throughout my many interviews with artist, they all have someone they would love to be on stage with, and for John,many have passed away. John would have loved to be on stage with artist like John Denver, Dan Fogelberg, Jim Croce, Jackson Browne, James Taylor. According to John, "their music helped me on the journey to finding who I am artistically and it would be a thrill to share the stage with them."

I am very honored to have crossed paths with John Tracy. His stance is incredible and rewarding. I love when I run across an honorable man of God, and one that is a believer, a faithful father and husband. John Tracy, may God continue to bless you and grant you His favor. We love you here at River & Word Magazine and we will continue to be a support to you. Best wishes to you and much success on the release of your new album!!

We will be following John Tracy and his music. When he releases the album, we will work hard to get the information to you all and 100% promote right here in the magazine.

God Bless you John, you are a blessing!

Pam J

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