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Pam Jones is a writer and founding owner of

River & Word Magazine, living in Houston.

Her blog writings are known across the social media,

and in the River & Word Magazine.

She is often asked to write reviews for authors,

actors, producers and singers.

Twitter: @pamsriver

Facebook: /pam.mayesjones.1



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In the Fall, things begin to fall off, and the trees will loose their leaves to the wind. The tree branches will dry up falling to the ground, flowers will begin to loose their bloom, and the wind will carry the flower seeds to the soil, leaving only its steam, to dry up and wither away.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

The good news is nothing is wasted! When everything falls off and it is blown away, the earth will take it and bury in the rich soil. The soil swaddles the seeds, nourtures it, and they will become one unit. Soon after the heavy rains come, the winter cold winds to freeze the seeds, and the showers will come to incubate the seeds.

It is spring time, and what was thought to be lost is now a sprout and a green stem! Now it is time for the growth to give tithe of what it recieved, in the multiplication of sown seed. The earth smiles at its birthing of nature, she rest in the Lord's care of her beautiful blooms, as they clothe the fields. Behold (in the old language behold meant God will do it again), there, under a tree, that the earth freed, is a man and woman holding hands, sitting on a blanket beneath the tree. He picks a flower and gives it to his love. She smiles with joy, as she feels his love in the gift. She smells the flower and there is a scent of its beauty that sends an aromour of fragrance, that makes her heart rejoice! Oh how the earth blesses God with her obedience, in given up the seed, to be a blessing to God's people. Oh what joy that rings across the lands, because the earth was willing to let go. She will get grand seeds, that will be lent to her to embrace in God's nurturing care, to see the beauty of its grandure over and over again.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

In this Fall season, let everything go for the glory of God to be revealed in the earth, to be birth and revealed in the Spring. Let people go, that they may spring up in a new place and mupltiply from the seeds you planted. Everything must change, nothing stays the same, and if you hold on too tight, the thing you love so much will slowly die! Death will come from sufficating a plant, flower, child, friend, project or spouse. Let the seeds go to allow them to fall ito their purpose, and know your part as:

* A planter

* A waterer

But know ye this, God gives the increase

1 Corinthians 3:6

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.

When you love something you will have to let it go! In some cases it it literal, in which you will have to leave it completely along. In other cases it will mean you should not hold on so tight. I will share a true story. I knew a lady that had a baby boy. As the baby start to grow, the mother would never put him down to scoot, crawl or roll over. Eventually she had to allow him room to play, but she would scoop him up before he could fall. The child grew up weak and fragile, and he was not able to make decision on how to go forward; He would just stand their waiting on the mom to scoop him up. The weakening of the childs legs and arm muscles became apparent. He was unable to walk and run with the other children and it would make him cry. I politely said to her, the only way he is going to grow strong is if you let him go and fall, he will be OK, it is healthy for children to fall so they will know how to get back up. The mom had a face of fear at the idea, but the husband stood his ground and with anger said, let that boy be a boy! The mothers need to hold too tight had also put a strain on their marriage. He could not be a dad or husband . Moral of the stroy is, if you hold on too tight to life or living things, you will cause it to experience a slow death, and it will not be able to multiply or reproduce of its kind.

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