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Gospel Music Workshop, Featuring recording Artist Cassaundra Webb.

Pam Jones is a writer and founding owner of

River & Word Magazine, Houston, Texas.

Pam Jones blogs writings are known across the social media, and in the River & Word Magazine.

She is often asked to write reviews for authors,

actors, producers and singers.

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What an exciting fun 3 day weekend! I was invited to cover the Gospel Music Workshop for recording artist, Cassaundra Webb. The first night started off with a small intimate group, which included Keith Powell, CEO of IGARA (Independent Gospel Artist Radio Alliance), Grammy winner and Hall of Fame, Arthur Roland, Award winning Shelia Moore Piper, and more beautiful people. The workshop was presented to help teach INDIE artist knowledge of the tools, that help make their career prosperous by providing videos, tutorials and offer advice.

IGARA offers a membership that includes digital and radio distribution, and they will help you get connected to Amazon, Goople play. As a member, artist are given the opportunity to perform at concerts throughout the country, by creating scheduled tours through this powerful growing network. (see website:

IGARA offers services that are extensive through their marketing, PR and physical distribution up to 4500 stores! The radio distribution is up to 2000 reporting stations, and music video is distributed to 150 outlets, which include VEVO and thy offer music! After learning more about this company, I wanted to become a member, except I don't sing. IGARA artist get their music in Best Buy and Walmart, plus a lot more places, if you don't become a member after learning all of this, somethng is wrong, unless you are already connected and doing great. The one powerful thing for artist that are IGARA members is you keep the rights to your music. Many artist had bad experiences with labels, so before you run to get a money deal, talk to Keith Powell and his team, please. Arthur Roland said, he had some not so good experiences with labels and his sound was lost in what they wanted him to do, because they throw a lot of money at you. Artist, I understand you want to make the big bucks, but also know there are great risk, if you don't understand whats behind the money.

Right when I thought I was through talking about IGARA, I found out they present an annual Radio Alliance Award, to honor and recognize artist for their talents. Keith Powell, what an amazing thing you are doing, powerful ministry.

By day two the intimate group grew a little more with the same concept of IGARA's deliverance of service to artist. Cassaundra Webb, Keith Powell and Arthur Roland were on air with Jerri Beasley, KCOH Radio personality, 92.9 FM, 6:30 -10 am. Jerri is also the owner of

JP Productions ( I found her to be hilarious!! She acted as MC on day three for Cassaundra's Birthday Celebration and live recording. The team was also on air with Gospel Radio Nation.

Day three was yet, another intimate cozy gathering, featuring some awesome gospel artist, such as Grammy winner Arthur Roland, award winning Shelia Moore-Piper, Shawn McLemore, Carolyn Traylor and Chad Howard. The artist delivered an awesome performance, that left you feeling like heaven stop by and sat on their praise! We had church ya'll!

Shelia Moore-Piper is such a charismatic minister of music. She had us up on our feet with so much excitiment, as she drew us in an engaging worship. She sang her hit,"Get Excited." What an anointed singer!!

Arthur Roland gave a testimony, that left everyone at a pause of how serious it can be when everything is taken from you, and you are left sleeping in your car. Arthur went from a 12 room house and fine cars to only one car to sleep in. He said, most of us are two paychecks away from being homeless.

Carolyn Traylor sang so powerfully and she had us in a glorious state of being. As she walked the aisles, she grab my hand and I felt the power of God, she is very anointed. Carolyn scaled through every note that could be sung and walked each one back to a climax! My God she delievered!

Many of the artist sang beautifully and I had a great time sitting next to, who I call my sister, Shelia Moore-Piper. She and I worshiped whole heartily and it was good to be in a section of worshippers, verses a dead row. Learn more about Shelia in our magazine, she has been in the last couple of issues for her outstanding acheivements. I love working with Shelia and her husband, Glenn Piper, he is excellent at what he produces. I even learned few things on laying my mag pages without a charge, and thats a blessing to connect with Godly giving people.

The grand finale, Cassaundra Webb did a live recorded for her CD during the celebration. She is being produced by International recording artist/producer, Eric Carrington, CEO of

Globel Entertainment. Eric is no stranger to River & Word Magazine, he headlined one of our issues, while we helped promote his music. He also produced record breaking gospel artist, Nikki Berry, who is also in our magazine.

Cassaundra Webb gave an outstanding performance! She is electirc, charismatic, powerful and full of energy! She sings with a bling bling microphone, which fits her personal taste, as she said it best, "Yall know I love bling," and yes I saw a lot of bling ha ha!

Cassaundra commands her audience to get involved, while she ministers in song. We were blessed to hear several songs that she wrote, and one in particular was created from her closet, "You Are Holy" and I could tell it was personal. She wepted and brought tears too her listeners, I even teared up. Cassaundra told me that she was a cry baby, but its not a bad person to be. Many cry babies, as she puts it, are sensitive and compassionate, which carries over into ministring in song. Cassaundra Webb and Jonathan Sayles sang a duet that he wrote, what an awesome deliver. I suggested that they do more duets.

As with any great singer, Cassaundra didn't get their along, her husband is a great supporter, as well as her children. One of her daughters, Lady Kaye Harts, the comedian, help MC the event. She, like her mom, is full of laughs and lots of energy.

In addition, the band that played with Cassaundra was outstanding!! I seriously applaud them and if you are looking for an awesome band, you want to hire Tommy Hammond,

Johnny B. Willams & The Crew (Rodger Chambers and Marvin Stewart). To get in contact with

Tommy Hammond, call him at: 347-300-5047 and be sure to tell him you heard about him through Pam Jones, River & Word Magazine.

I learned something new about back up singers, which were also instrumental in the success of the live recording, but I did not know you can hire back up singers. Teresa Webb has some powerful ladies that she hires out, including herself, to sing with artist. These ladies were phenominal in their deliverance. I actually thought they had been with Cassaundra a long time, because of the way they professionally sang with her. Teresa Webb is the CEO/founder of "IAMT Musiq, LLC." The singers she brought with her are Tierney Marksand Jasmine Jones.

I lift my hands to God for everyone that were apart of this 3 day Gospel Workshop and Birthday Celebration. I enjoyed it, and I pray much success to all of you and God bless!

Pam J, CEO/Founder,

River & Word Magazine

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