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Next Man Up: CEO Jerry Royce, XXI Radio "Can You Feel The Power"

River & Word Magazine, Houston, Texas.

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To the reader: Most of this article has been written in the dialogue of the speakers, to give a true feel of how they are feeling and speak about the issues of discussion.

Man Of the Month Honoree,

Pastor Keithron Powell

Next Man Up Panel

EMPIER Actor Charles Clark Producer/CEO Jerry Royce Dr. Andre Melton Sports TV

Miquel Profect Esparaza, Actvist/Leader

Next Man Up movement is addressing the Paradigm Shift in Today's Millennial Youth.

Next Man Up is a weekly Summit Live Podcast, with Dr. Kelly as the moderator. He is a best selling author on Amazon. Dr. Kelly opened the # 6 episode with prayer and announced the panelist.

Special guess honoree," Man of The Month", Pastor Keithron Powell, CEO of IGARA, Independent Gospel Radio Alliance.

*The First man up was Dr. Charles Clark, an actor from the #1 TV show, EMPIRE.

*Second man up was Andre Melton, Sportscaster, and CEO of Flex Zone, WBGR Network.

*Third man up was Miquel Profect Esparza, Hip Hop Ministerial, leader, and activist.

As Man of The Month, Keithron Powell lead off the discussion by informing the listening audience, that his wife is the co-founder of IGARA, and they are the only one like it on the planet. According To Keithron, IGARA educates artist, help artist and support them when they come to IGARA to get their needs met. The producer of Next Man Up, Jerry Royce interjected on how he and Keith go back two years, and they are awesome people.

Pastor Keithron expressed how glad he was to be a part of the movement, Next Man Up.

Next Man Up on the panel was Dr. Charles Clark.

Dr. Kelly proposed the panel discussion topic: A Paradigm Shift in Todays Millennial Youth.

A paradigm shift is an important change that happens when the usual way of thinking about or doing something is replaced with a different way. The Next Man Up panel was set to discuss the paradigm shift and the negative changes in our millennial youth, and they were asked what the men will need to do to turn this shift to a positive move.

Dr. Kelly opens up with gratitude to Dr. Charles Clark for having been apart of his life and a spiritual guide. Dr. Kelly is releasing his third book and a section will cover spiritual shifts of depression in the church. He felt that it is due to the lack of a male role model for the youth.

The first question to Dr. Charles Clark was what could men do to help the youth?

Dr. Charles answered with this, psychological depression can be a block or staggered, for an example:

* Feel at fault

* Feel lost

Dr. Charles expounded on psychological depression may happen when our spirit is blocked.

"When I was a teen, and I was selling drugs, I was the one giving advice. The church turned their back on you, but they should have been the one to teach or nurse us. If you are wounded, we need to heal, but most churches leave you for dead".

Dr. Charles, as a youth, remembers how psychological depression happens by the church looking at you as that boy that brought those gang bangers in here, and they don't want you in their church. We have to show more love than denial, said Dr. Charles Clark.

"Like a baby who tastes sweet candy, he wants more candy, we have to love more"!

Dr. Kelly responded, "we have to show more love to our youth. Psychological depression and narcissistic behavior have assaulted and invaded".

Narcissistic behavior is when a person has an excessive interest in oneself or admiration of themselves, which is generally displayed in a controlling or aggressive behavior. As a young man, Dr. Kelly has experienced these types of behaviors, and he had recalled being homeless and sleeping in his car, but his mother's prayers saved him.

Next man up was Sportscaster, Andre Melton, CEO Flex Zone on WBGR Network. He was talking about some of his exciting shows coming up, such as an NBA player that will be on his broadcast, and in March he will have several women coming on to talk about everything

they do.

Dr. Kelly asked Mr. Melton what kind of social programs could be offered to the youth?

Dr. Kelly reminded us of parenting responsibility from the Bible scripture, Proverbs 26:6, train up a child in the way he must go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Dr. Kelly said, we have to talk to our youth in this paradigm shift. He asked Andre, what are some new social places for the youth?

Mr. Melton's response was, we need Rec Centers for the youth to go to. "Today, we don't have that, and when I was growing up, we had neighbors, and we could go outside and play at their house or go to the Rec Center. We had people to help us with homework".

Dr. Kelly asked a good question concerning why aren't we bringing back Rec Centers and

Mr. Melton answered with this, "The fact that the schools don't have the art programs, and they are taking away physical education, which also affects the after-school programs; they are so focused on testing that the children don't have the exercise or nutrition they need and too many electronics. Until we bring back a balance, we will still have these issues".

Next man up was Mr. Miquel Profect Esparaza from the west coast! Dr. Kelly described him as a powerful man of God that loves the Lord and is a family man. Dr. Kelly asked him to introduce himself to the listening audience. Miquel replied I m a Christian and a minister artist. I have a project: "Kingdom Street" that is released and on all digital platforms.

Dr. Kelly spoke again about his books and the first one was #5 on Amazon. He mentioned that Dr. Charles Clark wrote a word in his book, Pastor's Time, "Turning Your Trails Into Victory".

Dr, Charles Clark wrote, "In our lifetime, we are tested by tribulations. We are measured by our faith and spiritual endurance to overcome obstacles by the word of the overseer who is the Almighty. The choice of outcome, the bearer of all results solely depends upon the champion instinct given to you by God. Once you accept this gift you will discover and solve the most phenomenal mystery ever...Birthing a Triumph from a Tribulation".

This was beautifully written by Dr. Charles, birthing a triumph from a tribulation, sounds like a title of a!

Dr, Kelly addressed the paradigm shift with our youth and asked Mr. Miquel about his vision that God had given him, to empower our youth. Miquel said, as someone who has experienced coming from a broken home and jail at a young age, what I do through music is reach them with hip-hop. Hip Hop ministers to the youth and they gravitate to Hip Hop. Thank God he has given me that area for use! My generation still has morals, but now, kids just have no morals, no one talking to them, and they are just loose! What I have experienced is where I come from, and prison and jail is what I used to reach the youth. A lot of youth don't want to come out of their shell. I want to present Jesus that is not just so religious. We need to get the youth to a place that's committed!

Dr. Kelly got excited about Miquel's comment by saying, come on! I found myself getting excited too. Miquel has this hype anointing that will obviously draw you in.

Miquel continued with how he views the people leading the programs as the problem and not the programs, because a person may have the vision, but they are not the one that should lead it.

"What I see is programs saying, we are going to do this for the youth, but they have no idea what the youth are dealing with. The leaders are out of touch with today's youth! I have been apart of the youth programs, and they were out of touch, but Hip Hop is a sermon that the youth look too. I know this, why don't churches use Hip Hop celebrations or shows? Why aren't we gearing things toward that? I tell you why, religion says, we have done this for years and this is the way we will do it", said Miquel.

Dr. Kelly interjects with: to expound on it, many youths are experiencing many churches not offering what youth need. We have to offer love, and Mr. Miquel offers Hip Hop and that goes back to the motherland. Homelessness is in our youth because we need a new millennial offer to the youth.

Next, CEO of Next Man Up, Jerry Royce, who offered his insight on this paradigm shift in our youth. Jerry Royce "Batman", is the producer of this powerful show, Next Man Up. He is also the CEO of Positive Power XXI Christian Media, which you can follow on Spreaker, iTunes and Facebook Live. I found Jerry's radio broadcast to be fun, informative and a God friendly safe place to grow and be promoted.

Dr. Kelly continued with the topic, that has been expounded on by the panelist: A Paradigm Shift in Today's Millennial Youth. Dr. Kelly asked Jerry Royce, "What have you experienced as a father or leader with the youth"?

Jerry Royce opens with how he personally met Andre Melton, Sportscaster for Flex Zone and that he is on leading sports TV programs, it is phenomenal where he has taken his men! Jerry met Miquel at Keithron's IGARA award show.

Jerry Royce opened with, I have two teens, one is the firecracker, my daughter, and my son. One of the things about being parents is to put your kids in a safe place, which requires extra hours and no cooked meals. No cooked meals mean eating sugary snacks, which may lead to diabetes and some can't think from high sugar levels. "When we were kids, we grew up on a lot of sugar with Kool-Aid, haha! We drank 1/2 sugar to 1/2 water, but we burnt it off playing, and a couple of fist fights was our physical exercise haha! The government said it is on us to invest in our kids. I am doing that with my kids, they are in activities. When we were kids, we had a playground, and my parents made sure we were in activities. It is on the parents, men we have to be the "Next Man Up"! That's my peace".

Dr. Kelly brought panelist Dr. Charles Clark back into the conversation to talk about millions of victims being incarcerated for pharmaceutical drugs, it is a billion dollar business! According to Dr. Kelly, they drugs are distributed on every corner, since World War II. The drugs were distributed to the men and women to cope. He asked Dr. Charles Clark, how do we do this?

Dr. Clark's reply was this, well me, I started on drugs at 14. We know its wrong, it destroys communities and brothers. Pharmaceuticals distribute the drugs, to sell to become the top! You have to watch it because it is a set-up, said Dr. Clark.

"When you are a youth, they need us to show them how to do what they do in selling and do it God's way".

Dr. Charles talks to the youth and tells them to show him what they can sell him right there on the spot, and he witnessed the youth that is sharp in technology and selling. He encourages them to try and sell him something that would not hurt anyone, and the youth are smart and took up the challenge with flying colors! You would be surprised what the youth can do, said Dr. Clark. Once the youth sells him something, that want hurt anyone, he leaves them with this, "Now you are a remedy that want kill anybody".

Dr. Charles Clark's father died when he was only 6 years old. He needed a father figure, and the drug dealers would say, good job son, which made him work harder for that recognition and approval. The drug dealers became his family. Dr. Clark said, we take what we have done and use it to teach the youth to change. Youth aren't trying to hear you can change, they want to hear do you understand my struggle, and that I did what I did to feed my family. I have to go back out again and I might have to kill someone to survive, so they don't kill me.

Dr. Clark agreed with Mr. Melton on reaching the youth with all that the panelist have overcome, and the youth will need to see that.

Dr. Kelly confirmed Dr. Clarks explanations by saying, he heard housing and much more that can be birth out of what Dr. Clark said, and much more!

Andre Melton came back in the discussion with his views on weed, and he was for the legalizing of marijuana to help stop the petty arrest. He also added that economic development is needed because there isn't enough money to solve the problem. Some feel like there is no other way for them to get money.

Dr. Kelly agreed with economic development, and I have to say it is a great idea, but where do we start? I would think to invest in what Dr. Clark said about the youth being so tech smart and can sell, maybe a business center for the youth would be a wise investment. The men could create more vocational programs, and teach the youth how to become legit entrepreneurs, with the social media being a hot gold mine, an economic program could be set up pretty fast. Melton has NBA connections that could fund the program, as well as Dr. Clark's acting arena that could help fund the program. Miquel has the building and youth connection to host it. Jerry Royce has a platform to advertise it..that is half the work done with such a powerful panel. I will even throw in free advertisement for the program events and youth successes. I have a Spotlight section in our magazine that can highlight the youth.

Miquel was brought back into the discussion to speak about what the men can do to help keep the youth from going down the wrong path. Miquel said that the enemy likes to re-package things and make it look pretty but it is the same old devil. He said in his day, it was weed and cocaine, but now its pills.

People I deal with are believers, but they are smoking weed or taking pills. They are not operating with the spirit of God, said Miquel. He doesn't deal with the youth on a natural level and deals with their spirit. Miquel has a 21-year-old brother that smokes, and he is trying to be all cool. He keeps his brother on his right side because he knows how to talk to the youth and he knows what they like.

Miquel also said, when you are high on weed, you are not sober, The Bible says, to be soberly minded; therefore, he didn't agree with legalizing weed. He also thinks that self-help is given to change the flesh when the flesh can't change and never will. Miquel quoted some bible points on being carnally minded is to be dead in flesh and flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom. In most churches, they are preaching to the flesh to change, and according to Miquel, God said the flesh will not change.

Miquel broke down the issue with pharmacy and in the old language it meant witchcraft and that was where the word pharmaceutical came from...this is getting deep readers!

We are putting a knife to the root, said Miquel and when you alter with drugs, you live a lie! Miquel said, he lived a lie in his youth and he wasn't going to live a lie anymore, we must be vigilant!

To get in touch with Miquel and follow his movement go to, also follow him on Facebook: Miguel Profect Esperanza.

Dr. Charles came back with this statement, sometimes people see me on TV but I might be on another set because we pre-record. I will set up my schedule so people can know what set I am on. I am finishing up Empire, still on TV One and doing a project with Oprah's network. You may reach Dr. Charles Clark at inspire or ccinspire7 for Instagram and Charles D. Clark on Facebook.

Next, Dr, Kelly asked Mr. Melton to share about the youth he has under his wings. How can the men connect? Melton said, to get in the schools.

I know from research that it is hard to get in the ISD with bible based programs. A good place to start would be in a community center. You could offer pizza and drinks, invite the youth and have fun with them first by having a Hip Hop concert, take pictures with NBA stars and let them see the love in action.

Dr. Charles Clark closed out the show with a powerful prayer!.

Next Man Up is a powerful, powerful and divinely appointed movement by God. I know it was for men, but I enjoyed it so much, and I was able to learn a lot about reaching the youth. For me, I have mothered the youth in love and they have grabbed hold of it, and because they look at me as mama Pam, they listen and try hard not to do anything wrong. When my youth fail, they will come to me like puppies, and I will embrace them with love. I will talk it out with them and offer a better way to do it the next time, and the youth receive and respect me for not condemning them. When I come in contact with them again, they are so excited to let me know they didn't mess up! I love on them and tell them how proud I am of them. I was recently teaching a science class and one teen said, Ms. Jones, I stayed out of DMC because this one teacher cared about me, and she is this reason I am graduating now, and I want to do something with myself.

Men and women of God, we must get back to loving and be caring enough about our youth and take out time with them. We must swallow our pride and let the former street youth, now reformed, saved and set free, teach us what to do so we can help save this present generation and the next ones to come. We have to do it for ourselves, as Jerry Royce said, the government said it is up to us. Let's get back to that neighborhood get together's and block parties...more fun at the park playing football etc. I always took my girls to the park and it was free fun and they loved it!!

I am excited about the Next Man Up and I am going to be in support of this movement. I am asking all of you to join Jerry Royce and support him. Ask him what he may need help with, as he takes this movement higher!

Pam J

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