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Houston Alliance

I have learned so much from attending the Houston Alliance meetings. I have joined this powerful organization, and I absolutely love president, Angela Bennett!

Houston Alliance is one of the fastest growing organizations, within the Alliance as a whole. Mrs. Bennett has to lead this powerful group to higher heights, and out of her group, a new author was recently birth forth, Michael D. Harrison.

Mr. Harrison was a teacher, principal and now an author of his new book, God Made All Things Great. As soon as I entered the meeting, I saw an awesome display with Michael D. Harrison's book. I spoke and said, Michael, I am still waiting to get that book in our magazine, River & Word! Michael replied, did you get our package deal? I answered, what package deal? Before I knew it I was buying a book deal, haha! He is a very persuasive salesman. Angela Bennett said, "Michael can sell to a stop sign", we all had a good laugh on that comment.

The Houston Alliance is well supported by members like award-winning gospel artist Yolanda Adams and V. Michael McKay. The Alliance is comprised of indie gospel recording artist, but at the beginning of the year, Angel made a wise decision to expand its membership to more independent people like authors, small business, and entrepreneurs. Michael D. Harrison is a great example of how important it was to expand the Houston Alliance doors.

Now you are welcomed to listen to Angela, but come back here to finish the article, I have great information to share with you or better yet, finish the article then go listen :).

I seriously enjoyed the last Alliance meeting. The panel was so rich with actress Charnell Brown, who played the role of Kim from a different World, Jerri Beasley, KCOH radio, legendary recording artist, Michael McKay, Preston Middleton, CEO of NewWave, Steven Powell, CEO of Music Digital, J. O. Malone, CEO of National Black Film, Andre Jones, KYOK, Amber Shaw, Senergy radio and Deturice "Dunbeezy" Dunbar, 90.9 radio. Many of their testimonies were similar, in regards to being famous and broke! One thing that was consistent throughout the panelist discussion was put God first! The panelist also kept mentioning to be consistent, faithful to your craft and learn it! Too many people get in entertainment and spend too much money on producing, but they are not spending time learning the basics or the business.

Angela had some great caterers that gave us samples of their food, and I am telling you the food was awesome! I wanted seconds, but I dared to be greedy, plus bassist Partick Tribitt was on the mic, and he will not let you get away with not following the program or going overtime on the mic. I cried laughing at Patrick turning on the music to let the panelist know they had gone over time, but a few tried to finish the sentence, while Patrick instructed Michael Harrison to take the mic haha! No one got offended, it was all in love and we knew no harm was meant. The funniest of the panelist, that got the mic taken was comedian Deturice "Dunbeezy"Dunbar. She wouldn't give up the mic, and she had poor Michael chasing the mic as she turned left to right, in hopes of finishing what she had to say haha!

I encourage all of you in business to join this powerful group, I promise you Angela will support you. She has been a tremendous support to River & Word Magazine. Angela attended our anniversary dinner on May 5th, and she even picked up the sheet cake for me. My hands were tied and I needed someone to grab a sheet cake, and my sweet sister, Angela, stepped right in. Her support is only one of many reasons to join the Houston Alliance!!

How to become a member and join this powerful organization?

Visit the Houston Alliance Website:

Anela Bennett, bless you for doing such an amazing job with the Houston Alliance, I am looking forward to more powerful meetings. Please let me know if there is anything

River & Word Magazine can do to be a support to the Houston Alliance.

Pam J, Founder

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