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Interview: Model, Actor, Author and Minister, Steve Walters

God wants all of us to have multiple streams in which the river of heaven can flow.

John 7:38,

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

The first thing I noticed was the word rivers: it is plural, denoting more than one river. The second thing I noticed is where the river is flowing from: his belly!

Steve Walters has several streams of rivers flowing out of his belly. He is a model, an actor, author and a minister. In all of his rivers, and I do mean ALL of them, he has been used by God to minister to people who wouldn't ordinarily go to a church. God knows where we are and what we are doing, because there is nothing hidden from Him. God knows how to order our footsteps so we are in the right place at the right time! For Steve, God has ordered his footsteps to be in 4 rivers, and the rivers of heaven were able to flow living water from Steve's belly. His lifestyle spoke volumes to so many people and his love and integrity have lead people to Christ!

What came first for Steve Walters; the ministry, modeling, an author or acting? For Steve, it was the ministry that came first, and he started preaching at the age of 15 during a choir rehearsal. A week prior to the choir rehearsal, Steve had been filled with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Steve was the choir president, and he always took his role seriously because he was a "PK" (preachers kid). He was always telling the choir that this is serious and they didn't know who was going to walk through the church doors. Singing in the choir was a ministry, and someone will need what they are singing to get them through.

Steve said, " I was giving my praise to God and I heard Him say, go up to the front, and when I did I started preaching! It was as if the words were coming in the side of my head and out of my mouth, and I was trying to stop going forward but my foot slipped. God said, go up closer 2 more times and each time a lady that was standing there would move up too. After the second time, she got filled with the holy ghost".

As you can see, God used Steve's river of life that flowed out of his belly to bring the baptism of the holy ghost to that young lady. We never know how God is going to use us, and it may seem strange, the things God may ask of us, but if Steve had stopped the river, he would have hindered the lady's divine appointment to get filled by the holy ghost! Wow!

John 7:38, he that believeth...we must first believe and then the rivers can flow into us. Next, we must obey the instructions of the Lord so opportunity can present itself. Finally, we must take the steps ordered by the Lord to unleash the river of heaven to flow out of our belly a living water!! God is life, and the river of heaven brings life first in us and then through us unto others. Amen

What is this living water that flows rivers through us? Steve Walter is a prime example of how life changes can take place when the river flows out of us to others. Living water is the Hebrew word Rheo, which means to flow. Rheo is also a verb, which means it takes action. In addition, Rheo means I overflow with. Wow! The first thing that came to mind is how we overflow with purpose. In the prolonged form, the word Rheuo is to "run". In water we will find oxygen which is needed to breathe, thus equaling life!

Steve Walters is a river for which living waters can flow and overflow him with a purpose to bring, the life giver, Jesus, unto people so that they can breathe and live and not die...My My! God is so amazing!!

What came next for Steve Walters, the modeling or acting? Steve said, he was into acting in high school and the teachers kept telling him to get in drama class. He started drama classes and the teacher knew he was a natural.

"I went to modeling school and did some modeling and I also learned to act", said Steve".

Later, Steve got married and had children, but he needed to earn a steady living to take care of his family, so he became a computer programmer. Not only is Steve anointed, handsome, talented, a husband and father...he is educated. Steve now has four rivers flowing from heaven into him and back out to God's people and now his family too.

During the time Steve was working as a computer programmer, he kind of set his talents to the side, but one day his son, who is also a model, said, "Dad, do you want to get back into modeling?". Well, as faith would have it, God was about to order Steve and his son's footsteps to not only model but minister to a dark world. Steve and his son went to a photo shoot, took some pictures together, then his son said, " This is not about me". Steve's son let his dad take the pictures by himself.

It was on a Saturday, as Steve recalls getting a phone call from his son. He asked his dad to pick up his phone and go to Instagram. Steve's photo shoot had gone viral!! After the viral postings, Steve's son and daughter had him set up an Instagram account of his own and the rest is history! Steve had modeled for some catalogs and was on 3 commercials, he was also on the Armor Hammer commercial with his son. Wow! Look at God!

Steve and his son were waiting to go on set and a lady asked if he was a preacher; he and the lady then talked about the Lord. A man from London looked at Steve and said you are a preacher and Steve confirmed it. Steve's son asked the man what made him say this; the man from London, in his English accent, said, the holy spirit told him Steve was a man of God.

Steve had yet another encounter where the river flowed from his belly unto another person. Tom, the actor from "CHIPS", a TV show, was sitting with Steve. Some of the cast members were beating up Christians with their words and talking about how some of them were always beating them over the head with the words of the bible and preaching at them. So Tom said, " Steve is a man of God and he doesn't beat you over the head".

When Tom said that about Steve it opened the door for him to speak to the cast.

"Modeling and acting is a dark place and I have to be a light in this darkness. Some jobs I won't take", said Steve.

Steve recalls being in New York on 51st street on set, drinking Perrier Sparkling water and people were just walking up and putting their phone number in his cell phone to invite him to parties. But Steve left the set and went to a Friday night church service. He never left church while he was modeling and acting.

Steve is an Evangelist, and he and his wife adopted a women's shelter where they go and minister, buy pots and pans, clothes, supplies, toiletries, diapers, and wipes. His wife even teaches an empowerment class there. One lady that Steve and his wife helped at the shelter is now a daycare owner. When she opened the daycare, she didn't have any supplies, but Steve and his team were able to supply everything she needed through many donations. God will supply all our needs! Amen

Steve later mentioned to me publishing 6 books and helping 2 people get their book published. One of those two people was a lady that was pregnant at the time, and she hadn't published anything before. Steve didn't want to work with her, but the holy spirit said help her. He helped the lady get published, and she now has two books on the market.

Steve has written and helped published:

1. Biography - Shepard's Journal

2. Receiving the Holy Spirit with Evidence of Speaking In Tongues

3. The Eve Factor (strengthening male and female relationships)

4. My Prophetic Call

5. Story Time Princess Dorothy

6. Power of My Pen

Steve Walters it is refreshing to have been graced with interviewing a man of integrity and such conviction to live for the Lord even with all the temptations that surrounded you, God gave you strength to resist. Thank you for being so kind to share your life with us.

Pam J

If you would like to contact Steve for modeling, acting or ministry you may do so at:

Instagram: bishopsbw

Facebook: Steve B. Walters


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