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The Bride

The June Bride is the most beautiful picture of them all! The month of June is one of the busiest wedding times of the year. There are more weddings in June than any other month. I for one would never want a June wedding because it is so hot, yet many women get all made up just to sweat in the heat. Sure, the majority of the weddings are held inside where it is cool, but there are still a handful that host an outdoor wedding.

As I was praying this morning, the Lord took me into an open vision, and I saw a bride in white. The vision was one of royalty and excellence, and naturally I asked, Lord who is getting married? The vision continued as I watched the bride standing in the doorway with the most beautiful golden glow around her. I have heard many people say that a bride is glowing. I think the glow is the joy and love that shines about her person, and on the other hand, I feel it is God's glory shining over her as she is about to make a covenant promise with God's man.

The covenant promise to give your life to another is serious, yet many of people have entered in it for the wrong reasons such as: to fulfill the flesh by having sex, or for financial reason like "take care of me" or "take the burdens of life off of me". Whatever the reason a person enters into a covenant agreement, it should be for the Lord and His purpose.

The first reason, we see a covenant agreement to be mated with someone is in Genesis 1:27-28, so God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

A man and woman should enter in a marriage with each other for the purpose to bring forth children to replenish the earth and keep what God has assigned them to dress. But many have entered in for the wrong reasons.

Why did God make multiplying the first thing for a husband and wife to do? The woman's womb was created to bare children for the Lord to bring forth life. The life God breathes into us is for kingdom purpose. When a woman says yes Lord and gives her womb to bare life, she has become a partner with God to fulfill the covenant. Each life that God develops is for the purpose of kingdom building and salvation. Wow!

The next thing God said was to take dominion. Well, it takes a tribe to take over land and the inhabitants, so yes, having babies to raise for the Lord is very important to the future of every generation. When we stop having babies we cease to exist! Wow!

The June bride is a big deal! Everyone is excited with anticipation while they await the wedding day to come. There are so many things to do to get ready for the big day. The one important thing to do is to sit at Jesus' feet. Being too busy and not putting the Lord first will lead to failure. Unless the Lord build the house, it will fall.

As I am enjoying the open vision and watching the bride in the doorway, I heard the Lord say, 'It is time to remarry me; I want my people to be married to me.' Okay, I have heard in church that we are married to Christ and he is married to the backslider, but what was He saying to me? As I sought the Lord further on why He showed me the June bride in all her glory and asked for His people to remarry Him, I learned this of the Lord...when we enjoy the world more than Him or when we enjoy the pleasures of the flesh more than Him, we have in a sense cheated and need to repent and renew our vows. When a natural couple renews their vows, they will have a mini wedding and recite their vows again. In reciting vows a second time, one will adhere to them more.

Revelation 22:17,

And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

Revelation 21:2

And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

The Lord is excited about having His bride return unto Him this June, and He never ceases to amaze me at the love He has for us. We are the bride and He is the bridegroom. Our life should be one that pleases him in every way. Let us, therefore, renew our covenant with the Lord while He is calling for His bride to come into His chambers that He might love on her. Remember, in heaven there is nor male or female in the sense of sexual identity, so when He says to the bride come, He is speaking to the church both male and female.

Matthew 9:15,

And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bride chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast.

This June, God is calling for His bride chosen for His son to come out and be prepared to meet Him. Glory to God!! Men, women, and children are all the bride of Christ, and we all will have to be prepared for the day he arrives to take his bride, the church. Purify yourselves, spend time in worship before the Lord, jump in the rising river flowing out of heaven and let the waters clean you as you lose yourself in Him.

The June Bride is God's most beautiful picture!

Pam J

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